An innocent job-seeker unintentionally finds himself with a job in a town full of re-enactors and quickly realizes dress-up isn’t for fun. It’s living history man! And for heaven’s sake don’t get caught at the Battle of Gettysburg with your Movado watch still on your wrist or the whole battalion will have to go home! That makes you a FARB (one who fails to convey a historically accurate portrayal). In this town, tar and feathers are still alive and well!

Inspired by one game-changing youth named Marla who insists on changing the world, a group of Junior Youth decides to…
An innocent job-seeker unintentionally finds himself with a job in a town full of re-enactors and quickly realizes dress-up…
“Everybody Loves Raymond,” with a Persian twist. Barry (Behdad) Amiri and his family are living the American Dream,…
With help from her schoolmates and her beat-boxing, Egyptian music teacher, a young teen tackles her own personal…
A family practice lawyer in her thirties tries to navigate the demands of her job, her personal aspirations and her crazy…
When a land settlement claim puts Little Snake Reserve in charge of the all-white town of Fort Adams next door, the only…
The intrigue of “Lost “with the tone of "Northern Exposure," “Holy Ship” is a half-hour series about a fastidious meeting planner…
A young alien and her team are embedded on Rainland (Planet Earth), with a mission to influence the planet’s social evolution…
The American Format of Little Mosque is in currently in development with Wayfarer Studios in Los Angeles.